There are no prime numbers greater than 10 that add up to 29. Since all prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers, no two prime numbers greater than 2 can have an even number for their sum.
yes because it is greater than 1
If you mean: 0.39, 0.07, 0.8 and 0.69017 then the last two numbers are greater than 0.6
23 and 29 are the two prime numbers greater than 20 but less than 30.
All numbers have common factors greater than zero.
No, the GCF of any two numbers can't get greater than the smaller of the two numbers.
The sum of two numbers will almost always be greater than either number. The only exception would be when dealing with two negative numbers.
The sum of two decimal numbers greater than 0.5 will always be greater than 1
There are no prime numbers greater than 10 that add up to 29. Since all prime numbers greater than 2 are odd numbers, no two prime numbers greater than 2 can have an even number for their sum.
The product will be greater than 1, when each of the two factors are greater than 1.
yes because it is greater than 1
Not true if either of the numbers is negative.
Any even number greater than two.
If you mean: 0.39, 0.07, 0.8 and 0.69017 then the last two numbers are greater than 0.6