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Q: What are two line segments?
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Related questions

What are intersecting line segments?

an intersecting line segment is when two line segments cross together

What is the definition of congruent line segments?

Two line segments of the same finite size.

What are two line segments that meet and form a right angle?

They are perpendicular line segments

What two line segments intersect but are not perpendicular?

whatto line segments intersect but are not perpendicular

What is the common end point of two line segments called?

This is the vertex of the angle between the two line segments

Definition for congruent line segments for geometry?

congruent line segments- line segments that have the same lengths.

Does a bisector cut a line into two congruent segments?

A bisector cuts a line SEGMENT into two congruent line segments. A line has indefinite or infinite length.

Can line segments be broken down into two points?

Yes line segments can be broken down

What line has two endpoints?


Can line segments be congruent?

Congruency means that two things are the same length. Therefore two line segments if the same length are congruent.

What two quadrilaterals have two sets of parallel sides?

There are more than two: A parallelogram has two sets of parallel line segments which may be of unequal length; A rectangle is a parallelogram that has line segments that meet at right angles; A rhombus has to sets of parallel line segments which are all of the same length; A square is a rhombus which has line segments meeting at right angles, or stated differently a square is a rectangle which has all line segments of the same length.

What is a two dimensional closed shape made of line segments?

They are polygons which have 3 or more line segments