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Q: What are two properties of a hexagon?
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What are the properties of a hexagon?

well the properties of a hexagon is that is that it's shaped like a diamond.

How do you shade two thirds of a hexagon?

How do you get two thirds of a hexagon

Can a hexagon have two right angles?

Yes if it is an irregular hexagon

What are the properties of a regular hexagon?

It has six sides the sum of the measure of the angle is 720

What two shapes make up a hexagon?

Two trapezoids can make up a hexagon.

What is a hexagon with two right angles?

It is a hexagon with two right angles: there is no special name for such a shape.

Which of these two regular polygons has the larger interior angle a triangle or hexagon?


What do you call a 3D hexagon?

A hexagon is a planar shape, meaning that it is by definition two dimensional. Therefore, there cannot be a 3D hexagon.

How amny parallel sides does a hexagon have?

A regular hexagon has three pairs of parallel sides. An irregular hexagon can have two, one or none.

How do you draw a hexagon with three outside diagonals?

A hexagon with two reflex angles opposite one another will have two diagonals that lie entirely outside the hexagon and one that is partly outside.

How do two squares and two triangles make a hexagon?

Look at it the other way. Draw a hexagon, and draw two horizontal lines, in each case from one vertex to another one. That way you'll see how to divide the hexagon into a rectangle (not necessarily a square), and two triangles - which, of course, you can combine again to form the hexagon.

What is the area of hexagon?

(3x2 √3) / 2 Where x is the length of a side, given that the hexagon is a regular hexagon. However, if the hexagon is is not regular, you will have to find the area of the two trapeziums within the hexagon, find the area of them, and add them together.