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Q: What are two ways data are entered in the box?
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What are two ways data are entered in a box

What are two ways data are entered in a box IN MEDISOFT?

Menu on the menu bar or button on the toolbar

What are two ways data is entered in a box on medisoft?

through the menus on the menu bar or through the buttons on the toolbar.

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There are four different ways you can put three toys into two boxes. They are:Two in one Box 1 and one in Box 2One in Box 1 and two in Box 2Three in Box 1 and none in Box 2None in Box 1 and three in Box 2

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The two ways a hypothesis can be tested are by; performing controlled experiments or by gathering more data.

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What two different ways scientist do not collect data?

When they are on holiday they do not collect data When they are writing up their results they do not collect data.

What is a way that scientist does not collect data?

ther are only two different ways that scientist does not collect data