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Menu on the menu bar or button on the toolbar

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Q: What are two ways data are entered in a box IN MEDISOFT?
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What are two ways data are entered in a box

What are two ways data is entered in a box on medisoft?

through the menus on the menu bar or through the buttons on the toolbar.

What is the function of data-entry forms?

It is a form where data is entered, a good example is this box I am typing into, I am entering data into this text box. They can also be limited to only allow specific data to be entered, for example just numbers.

In Medisoft is the Carrier 1 tab within the claims dialog box used to edit claims?


What does the term field name mean in databases?

A field is a box in which data are entered. The field name is the descriptive name given to a field to identify the type of data and to differentiate it from other fields. For example, the field in which an address is entered would probably have the field name "Address".

What data-type is a numeric value entered into a text box treated as by default an integer B String C Variant D None of the above?


When has batter entered the batter's box?

When any foot crosses into the box.

What Text Box control property holds text entered by the user?

Text Box

What is a word or phrase entered into a search engines text box?

The word or phrase entered into a search engine text box is the search term. It can be different depending on what is being searched.

Define the term validation in vb?

Validation is a form of self protecting; it is better to reject bad data then spend hours trying to find out an error only to discover that the problem was caused by a "user error". Checking to verify that appropriate values have been entered for the text box is called validation. The validation may include making sure that data is numeric, checking for specific values, checking a range of values, making sure that required data is entered.

What are the two ways to open a display dialog box?

ways to open a display dialog box

What allows you to specify the data format of the value typed into a text box?

You can not specify the data format in a text box, other than formatting the text in the box.