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experimental and control groups

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Q: What are two ways that researcher can avoid a biased sample?
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How is a random sample selected?

There are a few ways to do this, but one of the most common ways is by giving each of your subjects a number. If there are 100 of them, number them 001-100. If there are 1000, number them 0001-1000 and so on. Then, randomly choose numbers for each group using random number generator.

How do you solve ageism on workplace?

There are a number of ways through which you can solve ageism on workplace. You should avoid age discrimination and ensure that the company has a clear policy on ageism.

What is debt hypothesis?

Debt hypothesis is the hypothesis in which a person may go into or get out of debt. In other words, it's a theory an individual may come up with to measure ways to avoid or get out of being in debt.

If rolling one fair die what is the probability of odd or less than 5?

The odd values are 1, 3, 5 and less than 5 values are 1, 2, 3, 4. The probability is the number of ways success can occur divided by the sample space. The sample space is 6. The values that we can have to fir the "success" definition is 5. So, probability of odd or less than 5 is 5/6.

How many outcomes are there in the sample space for rolling 3 dice?

There are 3 ways an even number can show up on the first die. AND There are 3 ways an even number can show up on the second die. AND There are 3 ways an even number can show up on the third die. So since "AND" means "MULTIPLY", there are 3x3x3 or 27 ways the three dice can all come up even. So the numerator of the probability is 27. We calculate the denominator of the desired probability: There are 6 ways any number can show up on the first die AND There are 6 ways any number can show up on the second die AND There are 6 ways any number can show up on the third die So since "AND" means "MULTIPLY", there are 6x6x6 or 216 ways the three dice can all come up any number. So the denominator of the probability is 216.

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Yes, in some ways

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You can make a slide sample in a few different ways. You will have to fine the way that is easy for you.

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The best ways to avoid dismissal at your job are to have great attendance, and do whatever is asked of you to do. Avoid unnecessary arguments and conflicts as that is an easy reason to get rid of someone.

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One way would be to avoid them

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Avoid her

How many different ways can a researcher select three mice from fifteen mice and assign them each to a different test?

How_many_different_ways_can_a_researcher_select_three_mice_from_fifteen_mice_and_assign_them_each_to_a_different_test"the above is not an answer!?

How do animals avoid capture?

There are a few ways they do this. They out run. They will hide from capture. They will fight to avoid capture.

How do you avoid tensions?

There is a few ways to avoid tensions. You can start with not putting your self into a situation to where you have to get tensions.