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Search BMI calculator on the web, submit your weight and height and see your BMI index. Read the information on the website to figure out how your BMI relates to healthy weight.

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Q: What are ways to figure out if you are overweight or not?
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You are 13 year 4.11 feet tall and weigh 37 kg are you overweight?

you are not at all overweight but u need to do some kind of exercise every day to maintain your figure.

What are 2 ways overweight status can be evaluated?

1) Body Mass Index (BMI)

What are some ways to determine am I overweight?

One can determine either he or she is overweight or not by different methods . The cheap and simple method is check your weight and calculate your BMI through a calculator.

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You have to answer that yourself. Beautiful is what you believe it to be. Many women who think they are overweight already have a beautiful figure. If you prefer to look like Cher, then you have a lot of work ahead. You may also have plastic surgery ahead because a common problem with drastic weight loss is the need for plastic surgery to get rid of the leftover skin.

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Depends on the height. 2-3 pounds per inch is normal.

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in amazing ways that i we cant figure out

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Is a 5 year old overweight if she ways 55lbs height is 1.09m?

yes she is. she should weigh anywhere from 33-46 lbs.

What should be perfect figure size of a girl who is 25 years old with 5ft 8 inch height?

The perfect figure size is not given in numbers. As long as you are healthy and not grossly overweight, then realize that you are you, and the perfect figure size is yours. Besides, would you want a figure that made men like you for something other than who you are as a person?

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