you round it to the top number Fractions and ounces are not convertible.
By checking if its a mixed fraction
you can round to a certain point, or turn them into fractions and simplify.
39/14 rounds to 3
You round to the nearest whole number.
you round it to the top number Fractions and ounces are not convertible.
you round fractions by rounding up or down, you can decide to do this when you look at the numerator and decide if it is half of the denominator, if it is half or more than half, you round up. If it is less than half you round down. Another way you can round fractions is dividing the top number by the bottom number (with a calculator), then if the decimal part is 5 or more, round up! (if the decimal is less than 5, round down.)
You can buy a popular game, Pizza Fractions which has different ways for looking at and considering fractions.
Umm you divide...
By checking if its a mixed fraction
you can round to a certain point, or turn them into fractions and simplify.
39/14 rounds to 3
You round to the nearest whole number.
a millon times
To Learn how to do it in hard ways
Two ways. 3 and 1/2 or 7/2. That's proper and improper fractions.