Multiply 200 by 0.25 (0.25 = 25%)200 x 0.25 = 50
There are two easy ways. You have your choice: -- Multiply the number by 0.25 -- Divide the number by 4
1 x 50 2 x 25 5 x 10
check this site out:
Multiply them together.
Multiply them together.
Multiply them together.
1 x 25, 5 x 5
There are many options. For example you could multiply (-1), 2, 5 and (-25).
Multiply 200 by 0.25 (0.25 = 25%)200 x 0.25 = 50
25% is equal to 0.25 just multiply the two numbers together to get your answer 0.25 * 70 = 17.5
There are two easy ways. You have your choice: -- Multiply the number by 0.25 -- Divide the number by 4
Just multiply them together and you get you answer = 1125 sq metres