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The mode is the data point that occurs the most number of times; in addition the data could be bimodal (2 modes) or multimodal (3 or more modes).

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Q: What are you looking for when you are finding the mode of a set of data?
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Basic ideas of mode of ungrouped data?

The mode of ungrouped data is the value that appears the most often. The mode may not be a number - for example if looking at the favourite colour of a set of people.

How do you know the mode of a data set by looking at a bar graph?

The mode has two or more bars on the graph with the same height.

Can the mode and median for a data ca they be different?

Of course they can, and they can also be the same. It just depends on the set of data you're looking at.

Tell when a set of data can have no mode?

A set of data has no mode when there is no number that occurs more frequently than another. The data set: 1, 2, 5, 5, 6 has a mode of 5. The data set: 1, 2, 3 has no mode.

What is mode of data?

the mode of a data set is the number that appears the most in the data. some data sets have no mode.

What does mode for the set of data mean?

The mode of the data is the number which occurs most frequently in the given set of data.

Find the mode of this set of data?

It has no mode.

What is the mode of this data set 1 45 67 89 101?

There is no mode of this data set because each number appears only once. For a data set to have a mode, at least one number must appear more than once. The mode of a data set is the number that appears the most.Think: mode, most

How do you do mode?

A mode is a most frequent number in a data set. A data set may have multiple modes. If each different number of a set occurs only once, then that set has no mode.

Can A data set can have no mode?

It is possible for a data set to have no mode if none of the data points are repeated.

Why will a set of data not always have a mode?

A set of data will not always have a mode because some data sets will not have a number that occurs more than once.

What is mode of a data set?

the mode is the number that occurs the most.