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The mode of the data is the number which occurs most frequently in the given set of data.

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Q: What does mode for the set of data mean?
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Would you use mean mode median to average the points?

mean is the average of numbers in the data set mode is the most frequently occurring value in a data set and median is the middle number of the data set so you would use mean

Definition of mean median and mode?

Mean is the average of the data set values. Median is the middle number in the data set (set up in ascending or descending order). Mode is the data value (or values) that occur the most number of times.

When is it misleading to use the mean as a descriptor of a data set?

It is misleading to use the mean as a descriptor of a data set when the median or mode would be more representative of the data set as a whole.

Why it is useful to fiNd the meaN mediaN aNd mode of a set of data?

when there are extreme values in the data

Can a data set have the same mean median mode and range?


What does mean medium and mode mean?

Mode is when there are a set of the same numbers in a set of data and median means the middle number when you put the data in order mean is when you add up all the numbers and subtract it by the total amount of values

Tell when a set of data can have no mode?

A set of data has no mode when there is no number that occurs more frequently than another. The data set: 1, 2, 5, 5, 6 has a mode of 5. The data set: 1, 2, 3 has no mode.

Is it possible for the mean meadian and mode of a data set to be the same number?

Yes, it is. One easy way for this to happen is if every number in a data set is the same: then it's the mean, median, and mode at the same time. That's not the only way for it to happen, of course. For example, if the data set is 1, 2, 2, 3 then the mean, median, and mode is 2.

What is mode of data?

the mode of a data set is the number that appears the most in the data. some data sets have no mode.

The three characteristics that describe a set of numerical data are?

mode, mean and median

Which measure summarizes all of the values of a data set with a single number?

The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.The central tendency can be summarised by the mode, median or mean. For qualitative data, only the mode is available.

How can you find mean median and mode for GROUPED data?

Mean, median and mode are ways to find averages. The mode is the most common answer in a set of data. The median the number that is in the middle when the numbers are put in order. The mean is the statical average.