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Q: What are your goals for the next 12 months?
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What are your long term goals for the next few months?

Long term goals?? next few months?? which is it?? Long term or next few months ?? A long term goal may be to steadily strive for success and over the next few months I would hope to have a better plan on how to achieve success.

Career Interests in the Next 12-18 Months?

Please describe the experiences, opportunities and/or positions you would like to have the chance to pursue in the next 12-18 months.

What do you mean by short term trend analysis?

Short term trend analysis refers to examining trends within the next 12 months. This will help the organization plan for short term goals.

Short range objectives?

Your short range objectives should be goals you can achieve within the next 12 months. You may want to go back to school or pay off some debt.

What are your professional goals in the next 36 months?

Having professional goals is integral to maintain a strong pattern of growth. You may have goals such as reaching certain matrixes that are tracked by your company or earning a promotion.

What are quarterly goals?

Im guessing your talking about work related targets?? Quarterly would be every three months - as there is 12 months in a year!

How do you wrive objective to achieve in the next 12 months?

You just wright it.

Will Torres score 30 plus goals next season?

I hope he can only if he work hard, unlike last 16 months

What is the difference between professional goals and personal career objectives?

Educational goals are long-term in nature: what classes will you take/how will you educate yourself to prepare for the career you hope to have? For instance, if you want to become a doctor, your educational goals would be to get a Bachelor's degree in Pre-Med, apply to medical schools, attend and complete medical school, etc. Educational goals can apply to a long period of time, depending on where you are in your education. If you're in high school and plan to go to college, your educational goals could apply to the next one to eight years or longer. Short-term professional goals are what you will do within the next three to 12 months to advance/improve your professional practice. For instance, "In three months I will be able to fully use XYZ software. I will accomplish this by taking the course offered by the company."

On the game howrse your horse is 10 months old how old will it be the next day?

A horse ages 2 months a day on howrse, if you take care of your horse. If your horse is 10 months, your horse will then be 12 months the next day. Making your horse 1 year old.

If yoko scored 4 goals in her first 12 attempts what is the probability that she will score a goal on her next attempt?


How long do you have to wear your retainer?

24/7 except for eating and brushing for the first 12 months after braces and then every night for the next twelve months