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In most cases, the y axis

x axis for independent

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Q: What axis would you graph the dependent variable?
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In a line graph which is the independent variable and which is the dependent variable?

The independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis, or x axis. The dependent variable, or response variable is plotted on the vertical axis, or y axis.

Where are the Dependent and independent variable placed on a graph?

Dependent variable take on X-axis and independent variable take on Y-axis in a graph.

On which axis of a graph should the independent variable be graphed?

the independent variable goes on the x-axis the dependent goes on the y-axis

Where On a line graph the dependent variable is plotted on what axis?

The dependent variable is usually plotted on the "y" or ordinal axis.

What variable is placed in the y axis or vertical axis?

which is considered as dependent on the variable on x axis which is considered as independent variable in the plotting of graph

How is the dependent and independent variable of an experiment displayed on a graph?

The Independent variable is placed on the x-axis and the dependent variable is placed on the y- axis

What do you graph on the vertical axis of a graph?

If you are graphing the results of an experiment, the dependent variable is on the vertical, or y-axis, and the independent variable is on the horizontal axis, or x-axis.

What are the main components of a graph?

The x-axis, which is the dependent variable, and the y-axis, which is the independent variable.

On which axis would you graph the dependent variable?

Yes, and the Y-Axis holds the dependent variable. * * * * * Usually, but not always. There may be no independent variable - they may be mutually dependent.

Which is the dependent variable on a graph?

That depends a lot on what the graph is illustrating. However, generally, the depended variable will be on the x-axis (the horizontal axis).

When constructing a graph which variable goes on which axis?

The independent variable goes on the x-axis and the dependent variable goes on the y-axis.

Which axis is the dependent variable located on a line graph?

The y (vertical) axis