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The general tendency is for galaxies to move away from each other, in other words, the Universe is expanding. Only in our "immediate neighborhood" will you also find some galaxies that move towards us.

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Q: What best describes how galaxies generally move 1 toward each other 2 away from one another 3 randomly 4 galaxies do not move?
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What best describes how most galaxies generally move?

Galaxies generally move away from one another.

Can galaxies steal stars from one another?

Yes, galaxies can interact gravitationally and sometimes stars can be "stolen" from one galaxy by another. This can happen during galactic collisions or close interactions, where gravity causes stars to be pulled away from their original galaxy and captured by the other.

Do galaxies move away form one another?

Yes !

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How does the galaxies move in the universe?

The general tendency is for galaxies to move away from one another - the further apart they are, the faster they move away from one another. In other words, the Universe is expanding. Galaxies also have some "random" proper movement, which can be thought of as superimposed on this general expansion.

Along with shape and size which property distinguishes spiral galaxies elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies from one another?

You can also distinguish them by the types of stars - older stars versus younger stars, and stars of different "metallicity".

What is the correlation function?

A random galaxy is used in the "Correlation function" [See Link] to describe the possibilities of another galaxy being found within a certain distance.Given a random galaxy in a location, the correlation function describes the probability that another galaxy will be found within a given distance.See related for types of galaxies.

How do the molecules in liquid or gas move?

Randomly unless there is an external force (a flow) in which case they move randomly relative to one another but in one direction as a group.

What happens during diffussion?

They collide with one another and tend to spread out randomly.

Would it be impossible for us to discover another galaxy?

It is possible to discover new galaxies.

Could it be possible ta have another sun in other galaxies?

See Star wars. :)

What are the characteristics of the galaxies?

Color. The type of star effects the color. Like temperature wise. Spiral galaxies are generally more blue than elliptical galaxies due to its stars. Size is another characteristic along with luminosity.