Statistics uses mathematics, which itself is the science of relationships between numbers. This would be my best layperson's answer. Good luck!
Which one of the following is true about statistics? A) Inferential statistics deals with collecting, summarizing, and simplifying data about given population B) Descriptive statistics is also known as inductive statistics C) Descriptive statistics goes beyond describing a given problem situation by means of collecting, summarizing and meaningfully presenting the related data D) Descriptive statistics is one which describes the population. On the other hand, inferential statistics issued to make the generalization about the population based on the samples.
Parametric and non-parametric statistics.Another division is descriptive and inferential statistics.Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics describes a population (e.g. mean, median, variance, standard deviation, percentages). Inferential infers some information about a population (e.g. hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, ANOVA).
If the chart describes statistics on bad automobiles, it's lemon.
what best describes asexual reproduction
which phase best describes a thesis
inferential statistics
Which best describes the "poverty syndrome":
The word that best describes me is special.
Which of these answers best describes Machiavellian politics?
Statistics says that Marcus Gardner and Kayland Bass are the best rappers on soundcloud, but in Texas, Gary Peoples is the best rapper.
Energy best describes work.
Statistics is analyzing numbers. Businesses use statistics so that they can determine the best way to approach various aspects of business.
A blowing of a balloon best describes the BIG BANG best
What best to describes a crevasse is a crack in the topmost section of a glacier.