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Q: What biome pairs are both dependent upon periodic burning?
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Do conjunctions introduce dependent clauses and work in pairs?

Conjunctions introduce independent clauses and coordinate them in pairs or groups. They do not introduce dependent clauses, which are typically introduced by subordinating conjunctions.

What is the DNA code dependent on?

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How many electron pairs are in CF2Cl2?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

How many electron pairs are in CH3CFO?

CH3CFO has a total of 10 electron pairs. This includes 4 pairs from carbon (3 bonds and 1 non-bonding pair), 4 pairs from fluorine, and 2 pairs from oxygen.

How many electron pairs are there in the outer shell of krypton?

This is a chemical element. You can find the how many electron in a single atom by using a periodic table.

Which element in the periodic table has 2 pairs of electrons in the 3d orbitals?

Silica has 2 pairs of electrons in the third orbitals. Atomic number of silica is 14. Electron configuration of it is, [Si]= 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p2 .

What kind of conjunction is since?

It is a subordinating conjunction, used to connect dependent clauses. The only 7 coordinating conjunctions are for-as-nor-but-or-yet-so, and correlative conjunctions (either-or) are in pairs.

What is periodic phrasing in music?

Periodic phrasing is the organization of musical phrasing in a manner which invites an antecedent-consequent, or question-answer style, manner. The music is divided into pairs of an equal number of measures, and the phrase of music is divided into an open-ended phrase that requires a second phrase as a response.

How many electron pairs will Argon share?

Argon is a noble gas and typically does not share electron pairs in chemical bonding. It tends to remain as a stable, inert gas with its full valence shell of electrons.

How many lone pairs of electron are on the sulfur atom in sulfite ion?

There are two lone pairs of electrons on the sulfur atom in the sulfite ion. This is because sulfur is in group 16 of the periodic table and has six valence electrons, two of which form a double bond with one of the oxygen atoms in the sulfite ion.

How many places on the periodic table are the elements not in order by increasing atomic mass?

Classical pairs ate tellurium-iodine, thorium-protactinium, uranium-neptunium; and also some transuranium elements.

Which list pairs each element in the periodic table with the correct charge of its ion?

Sodium (Na) - +1 Chlorine (Cl) - -1 Magnesium (Mg) - +2 Oxygen (O) - -2