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Q: What brand has a red square with N X on it?
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What brand logo has a red square and the letters n X?


Which is the best way to solve the equation x squared equals n?

If x squared equals n, then x is the square root of n.

How is squarng a number different from the square root of a number?

It's the opposite. Squaring a number is multiplying it by itself. If n is the number, n times n = n2 x times x = n, x is the square root.

Why do square numbers have the name square numbers?

suppose the n has the prime factorization of x*y. We know that every unique integer has a unique prime factorization. n*n = (x*y)*(x*y) = x^2*y^2.

What is a squed number?

A square number is a number which can be expressed as n x n where n are integers.

What logo is red with n x?

?? Nexxus

Write program to calculate square of an integer?

#include <stdio.h> #include <conio.h> void main() { int n=0; printf("\n\nEnter a number: "); scanf("%d", &n); n=n*n; printf("\nThe square is %d ", n); getch(); } BY: Eng . Ali Saed

Ten times the square of a non-zero number is equal to eighty times the number What is the number?

10 x n x n = 80 x n Divide by 10 x n; n = 8 Job done.

The number x is equal to another number n plus the square root of 3?

The equation you provided can be written as: x = n + √3 This equation states that the value of "x" is equal to another number "n" plus the square root of 3 (√3). The variable "n" represents a constant number, while "x" can take any value depending on the value of "n." For example, if n = 2, then: x = 2 + √3 ≈ 3.732 If n = 5, then: x = 5 + √3 ≈ 6.732 The equation represents a relationship between "x" and "n," where "n" acts as an offset or a starting point, and "x" is the result of adding the square root of 3 to "n."

What is the formula for the reverse square 13?

If, by reverse square, you mean square root, there is no simple answer.It is the number x, such that x^2 = 13.You could use a formula based on logarithms:Using natural logs, x = exp[0.5*ln(13)}or, using base 10, x = 10^{0.5*log10(13)}Alternatively, there is an iterative formula, based on the Newton-Raphson method:Start with a reasonable guess, x(0).Then for each n, calculate x(n+1) = x(n) - [x(n)^2 - 13]/2*x(n)which simplifies to x(n+1) = x(n)/2 + 13/[2*x(n)].With a reasonable starting value x(3) should be accurate to 3 decimal places.

What is the term for a number which is created by a factor times itself?

square n x n = n2

What is the value of square root of -4?

Original Answer: 2This is actually incorrect, 2 is the square root of 4 not -4 since it does not take into account the presence of the negative.In order to find the square root (sqrt) of -4 we need to consider two facts:(1) -N = N x -1 , where N is any number.(2) sqrt (X x Y) = sqrt (X) x sqrt (Y)This gives sqrt (-N) = sqrt (N x -1) = sqrt (N) x sqrt (-1)It is generally accepted that the square root of (-1) is represented by the imaginary number i . (For more on i see 4 for N we get sqrt (-4) = sqrt (4) x i = 2i