4235 thousandths = 4.235
No, 4235 is not an odd number. It is an odd number if it is not divisible evenly by 2, but in this case it is divisible by 2 because 4235 divided by 2 is 2117.5.
It is 2 when rounded to the nearest whole number
It is: 40 rounded to the nearest whole number
4235 thousandths = 4.235
No, 4235 is not an odd number. It is an odd number if it is not divisible evenly by 2, but in this case it is divisible by 2 because 4235 divided by 2 is 2117.5.
1.471 rounded to a whole number is 1
Rounded to the nearest whole number, it is 10.
It is 2 when rounded to the nearest whole number
It is: 40 rounded to the nearest whole number
9.12 rounded to a whole number is 9.