The geodesic dome was invented in the late 1940's
NONE!!!!! A Geodesic Dome is a self supporting dome made up of interlocking hexagons and pentagons.
The 'big ball' at Epcot in Orlando Florida, is a Geodesic sphere. The old dome-like playground equipment is based on the same structure as a geodesic dome. I've posted a couple of links about geodesic domes with some pictures.
Buckminster Fuller
The largest geodesic dome is the Fantasy Entertainment Complex and is located in Kyosho Isle, Japan. It stands at 710 feet.
The geodesic dome was invented in the late 1940's
NONE!!!!! A Geodesic Dome is a self supporting dome made up of interlocking hexagons and pentagons.
Equilateral and isoceles triangles
The 'big ball' at Epcot in Orlando Florida, is a Geodesic sphere. The old dome-like playground equipment is based on the same structure as a geodesic dome. I've posted a couple of links about geodesic domes with some pictures.
a dome that is built out from straight parts
Answer:You can make a geodesic dome.
The basic concept of a geodesic dome is very simple. It is composed of a series of triangles, and the triangle is a rigid shape. That's why the dome stays up.
a2p krew.
Buckminster Fuller
The largest geodesic dome is the Fantasy Entertainment Complex and is located in Kyosho Isle, Japan. It stands at 710 feet.
Basketball is played with a ball constructed of panels similar to a geodesic dome.
A monolithic is better than a geodesic dome home. A monolithic dome home is more cost effective and energy efficient. It can also withstand disasters better.