try the mobius's circle..its a good topic
both can be, it depends whether you use 'maths' to mean 'mathematics' (i.e. the subject), or maths class/lesson. you can't be good in mathematics (you should say you are good at mathematics), but you could be good in maths class/ in you maths lesson. Generally speaking, You would use: "I am good at math". "I am good in/at maths" would both be incorrect. There is no need to add the s at the end of the word "math", because math is already the general term for the different types of mathematics.
there are sites which offer good information about models .try googling.........
good maths =)
try the mobius's circle..its a good topic
I suggest u that pythagorous theorem and elgebric expression are good choices.
CBSE has recommended a number of projects for class X for example efficiency in packing geometry in real life experiments on probability and many more
there are many topics like probability, mensuration, algebraic identities. try proving some identity experimentally or you can buy a Maths Lab Book. here is one such book - I do I understand Mathematica Laboratory Manual for class 9 by Goyal Brothers Publication
ICSE , though is a good level onestill Cbse is better if we are mugging for some good competitive examsotherwise, theres not much difference
both can be, it depends whether you use 'maths' to mean 'mathematics' (i.e. the subject), or maths class/lesson. you can't be good in mathematics (you should say you are good at mathematics), but you could be good in maths class/ in you maths lesson. Generally speaking, You would use: "I am good at math". "I am good in/at maths" would both be incorrect. There is no need to add the s at the end of the word "math", because math is already the general term for the different types of mathematics.
We had to multiply numbers together in maths class today.
Of course a big no - no,as every one knows that icse board is much tougher then that of cbse,cbse is favourable to get better marks in board exams but icse should be recommended most as its English is of high standard,icse use to teach in detail which is helpful bt on other hand marks is also needed for good scope in future which is favoured by cbse....I m also a student of icse board studying in class 11 and but have knowledge of these boards...Dont think friend to get into icse as u must hv a habit of studying cbse easy pattern as compared to icse....Hope so u will take right decision.. . . .. . ..
Practice real had focus on the part more difficult to you . If that did not work try asking a friend in your class is good at maths to help you or ask a teacher .
i dont know look online