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Q: What can be a visual or mathematical representation of an object system or concept?
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A representation of an object or a system?


Representation of an object or system?

it is called a model

What is a pattern plan representation or description designed to show the structure or workings of an object sustem or concept?

A diagram is a visual representation of the structure, components, or relationships within an object, system, or concept. It is designed to provide a clear and concise overview of how different elements interact or work together. Diagrams can vary in complexity and format depending on the specific purpose and audience.

What is representation of an object or system called?

The representation of an object or system is called a model. Models are used to simplify real-world complexity and capture key aspects in a way that is more easily understood or manipulated for analysis.

What is an automorphism?

An automorphism is an isomorphism of a mathematical object or system of objects onto itself.

What is a pattern plan representation or description designed to show the structure or workings of an objects system or concept?

Model :D

How is a physical model different from a mathematical model?

A physical model replicates a physical system using physical components, while a mathematical model represents a system using mathematical equations and relationships. Physical models provide a tangible representation, while mathematical models focus on quantifying relationships and predicting outcomes.

What statement is a good description of a model?

A model is a simplification or representation of a real-world concept or system used to analyze, study, or predict outcomes. It captures key aspects of the system while disregarding less relevant details. Models can come in many forms, such as mathematical equations, diagrams, computer simulations, or physical replicas.

What is a model in math?

In math, a model is a representation or framework that is used to describe and understand a specific concept, system, or phenomenon. It can be a simplified version of reality that captures the essential features of the problem at hand, allowing for analysis and prediction. Models can be mathematical equations, diagrams, or even physical objects.

What is the purpose of combinatorics?

The main purpose of the combinatorics number system is to provide a representation in arithmetic. One would have to be very mathematical to understand combinatorics.

What mathematical rooted in ancient India are still in use today?

The decimal system The concept of zero among other things

What is a representation of an object or a system?

A representation of an object or a system is a way of describing or illustrating it through a model, diagram, drawing, or other visual or conceptual means. It helps to convey key information or characteristics in a simplified form for better understanding or analysis.