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Q: What can be concluded based on the graph?
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How do you title a graph?

You find the main idea of the graph then make the title based on that.

Is a circle graph always based on percentages true or false?

False. It may be simple to calculate percentages from one but that need not be what the graph is based on.

Can you start a question with the word based?

Yes! For instance, you could write... "Based upon the evidence found, I concluded that ___________."

Based on the information in the passage, what could be concluded about Pip?

He was very self-centered.

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Based on his experiment Rutheford concluded that atoms were?

The conclusion was that an atom contain a positive nucleus.

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Why don't you connect the dots on the line graph?

This question cannot be answered in a sensible way because it is based on a misunderstanding. The dots in a line graph ARE connected. That is what a line graph is. If they are not connected then it is a scatter graph.

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As darkness rolled in, Duncan became more conscientious.

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The Greek scientist who concluded that Earth was round was Pythagoras, around the 6th century BC. He based his conclusion on observations of the stars and their positions in the sky.

Does a circle graph always based on percentages?

Usually that is what they are used for.