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That's a very difficult thing to deal with, and I really feel for you. Counseling has always been an excellent option to help deal with marriage problems, but if your former wife can't cooperate it's difficult to make things better. The only thing I can recommend for you to do is to sit your wife down and discuss the problem with her, maybe it would help her to change. But if she still doesn't cooperate there is another option. I don't like to do this at all, but when my wife is being stubborn and won't listen I use the " Scare Tactic ". What you do is that you try to scare the person into listening or cooperating with you by either -

  1. Threatening to leave.
  2. Saying that you will spread shameful or embarrassing secrets or rumors about her to her family, friends, or other people.
  3. Hiding something valuable of hers and saying that you will destroy it if she doesn't cooperate.

Only refer to this as a last resort. Tell your wife any of these things, but don't actually do any of them because it will only make things worse, unless you feel you have to.

Hope this helps!

  • Leopold

I do not recommend the "scare tactic" at all, because in general ultimatums don't work to build the relationship. Reason and logic and caring work much better as long term communication devices. Regrouping a situation like this requires that BOTH people let go of their sacred cows and find a common ground that works great for both. Blame doesn't get anyone very far. Get the counseling for you and talk with the counselor about your situation. Eventually, if your wife does not want to join in the work for the marriage, you will have to let her go. But--do all the positive things you can to encourage her. A couple's communication class can also be helpful. The final thing is, that you cannot have the one-on-one marriage you are seeking if you are the only one committed to that.

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Q: What can you do if your marriage is unhealthy and you decided to seek counseling but your former sexually abused wife doesn't help or see the need and only blames you and doesn't take action herself?
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