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Math is useful is virtually every career. At the very minimum, mathematics develops logic and reasoning, a type of cognitive intelligence that is beneficial to everyone.

A number of careers are more mathematics dependent that others, the list is huge, but I'll name a few:

  • Accounting and Finance -- you work with numbers (income, etc.)
  • Science (lab techs, researchers, etc.) -- you work with data and equations
  • Computer Science and Programming -- coding is heavily math based
  • Business Owners -- they need to be able to balance the books
  • Sales Positions -- need to be able to figure out pricing and commissions
  • Retail Positions -- you cannot rely on the cash register telling you how much change or what to charge
  • Construction -- you need to have an understanding of spacial relations (geometry and trigonometry) and how much material to purchase
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Q: What careers do you need to know math?
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What are the benefits of math?

math can help you with anything. Even if you are a sports guy. You still need to know how to manage your money. If you can not do math you are susceptible to scams. To pursue many careers in life a degree in math is neededit is to help you calculate stuff without math there is no how i can say how many people are i earth

What careers require math?

All careers have some math. Just living from day-to-day requires some math.

Do you need to use math in every career?

Yes. We don't always notice the use of math, in the jobs we do, but all jobs involve the use of math in one form or another. We teach Math in school because in our modern world we do need to know some Math. However some careers need less difficult Math then others.

How much math does a writer need to know?

Writers do not need to know math to succeed.

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What math test is it? I need to know to answer.

Is mathletics dumb?

No. You need to know it. If you go to the store you need to know how to read the prices and to figure out if you have enough money to buy what you want. Someday you will want a house or a car so math is needed in both of those things. If you want to measure for drapes or rugs you need math. To balance your checkbook you need math, to make change or get change you need math, to do your taxes you need math, to cook you need math, to know what kind of gas mileage you get you need math, to sew you need math, to frame a picture you need math, to figure your GPA you need math. Math is used for just about everything.

What things that are related to math?

In school terms, science and math go hand in hand. However, math is everywhere. In the home, food or things like furniture is measured with mathematical units. One has to do math when shopping, adding up prices. In many careers, such as finance, business, science, teaching, workers need to know at least basic math skills.

Is everything a math problem?

Everything isn't a math problem. Social Studies, and Science sometimes need math problems.

What careers are suitable for those who are good at math but not computer science?

A math coach or a math teacher :) ;)

Do you need to know math to be a vetinarian?

yes. for example you need to know how much medicine to give someone. using math.