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Q: What causes multiplier effect occurs?
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The multiplier effect, is when one job in the mining industry creates 4 new jobs in other industries

What is themultiplier effect?

The multiplier effect refers to the phenomenon where an initial injection of spending into the economy leads to a larger increase in overall economic activity. This occurs as the initial spending stimulates additional rounds of spending as income generated from the initial spending is re-spent by others. The multiplier effect helps magnify the impact of government spending or investment on the economy.

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What is the main idea of the multiplier effect?

The main idea of the multiplier effect is that an initial increase in spending or investment leads to further economic activity and growth. This occurs as the money circulates through the economy, creating a ripple effect as it is spent and respent by individuals and businesses.

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What is a travel multiplier?

The travel multiplier measures the effect of the initial tourism spending and the chain of spending that follows.

What does multiplier effect mean?

The multiplier effect describes how an increase in some economic activity starts a chain reaction that generates more activity than the original increase. The multiplier effect demonstrates the impact that reserve requirements set by the Federal Reserve have on the U.S. money supply.

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Multiplier Effect

What is the multiplier effect of 1000000 of payroll on the local economy?


What is static multiplier?

A static multiplier assumes that an investment change, whether good or bad, causes an income spike or loss immediately. This is not always so.

What is kirk effect?

The Kirk effect occurs at high current densities in bipolar junction transistors and causes a dramatic increase in the transit time of a transistor.

How do you calculate the multiplier effect?

by dividing investment with 1 subtract consumption function