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Spastic dysarthria is caused by damage to the primary voluntary motor pathways, which originate in the frontal lobes of the brain and descend to the brainstem and spinal cord.

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Q: What causes spastic dysarthria?
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Ataxic dysarthria is caused by damage to the cerebellum or its connections to the cerebral cortex or brain-stem.

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Hypokinetic dysarthria is caused by damage to the upper brainstem in a region that is richly composed of darkly pigmented (nigra) nerve cells.

When was Spastic Ink created?

Spastic Ink was created in 1993.

When did Spastic Ink end?

Spastic Ink ended in 2004.

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Short for spastic. Spastic means to be jumpy, or maybe jittery. The opposite of spastic would be easy going.

What causes unilateral upper motor neuron dysarthria?

Unilateral upper motor neuron dysarthria can be caused by lesions in the corticobulbar pathway on one side of the brain, such as a stroke, tumor, or traumatic brain injury. These lesions can disrupt the connection between the motor areas of the brain and the cranial nerve nuclei responsible for speech production on that side, leading to impaired control over speech muscles.

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Make a sentence with the word 'spastic'?

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If you have a decreased appetite, abdominal pain and bloating, then you may have a Spastic Colon. Frequent bathroom visits including diarrhea may also be signs of a spastic colon.