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Bond angle can be caused by internal angle between the orbitals having bonded pair of électrons, hybridization, presence of lone pair of electrons and electronegativity of the atom. and also Bond energy

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Q: What causes the bong lengths and bond angles of a molecule to vary?
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When the central atom of a molecule has unshared electrons the bond angles will?

When the central atom of a molecule has unshared electrons, the bond angles will be less than the ideal angles for a given molecular geometry. This is because the unshared electrons create additional repulsion, pushing the bonded atoms closer together and reducing the bond angles.

Why do molecules have different molecular shapes?

Molecules have different shapes due to the arrangement of their atoms in space. This arrangement is influenced by factors such as bond angles, bond lengths, and electron distribution around the atoms. These factors determine the overall geometry and shape of the molecule.

Why are the bond angles in water and ammonia less than the ideal value of 109.5?

The bond angles in water and ammonia are less than the ideal value of 109.5 degrees because of lone pair-bond pair repulsions. The presence of lone pairs on the central atom causes greater electron-electron repulsions, pushing the bonding pairs closer together and decreasing the bond angle.

Does h2 have 109.5 degree bond angles?

No, H2 does not have a bond angle. H2 is a diatomic molecule composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded together, forming a linear molecule with no bond angle. Bond angles are typically associated with molecules that have three or more atoms.

Why Bond angle is important?

Bond angles are important because they determine the overall shape and geometry of a molecule, which in turn affects its chemical properties. The bond angle influences the reactivity, stability, and physical properties of the molecule. Understanding bond angles helps chemists predict how a molecule will behave in different chemical reactions.

What is the approximate bond angle for a molecule with a trigonal planar shape?

The approximate bond angle for a molecule with a trigonal planar shape is 120 degrees.

What are the bond angles in HO-Br?

The bond angle in a molecule with a linear shape (like HO-Br) is 180 degrees.

What is the shape and bond angles of molecule x-y-x?

It depends on what x and y are.

How does hybridisation effect bond angle?

Hybridization influences bond angles by determining the arrangement of electron domains around a central atom. Hybridization allows the orbitals to mix and form new hybrid orbitals, which can influence the geometry of the molecule and consequently affect the bond angles. For example, in a molecule with sp3 hybridization, the bond angles are approximately 109.5 degrees due to the tetrahedral arrangement of electron domains.

What is the unit used to define bond lengths?

Bond lengths are typically expressed in units of picometers (pm) or angstroms (Å), where 1 Å is equal to 100 pm. Bond lengths are a measure of the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms in a molecule.

Is CO2 molecule has two types of bond lengths?

No, a CO2 molecule has only one type of bond length for each carbon-oxygen bond. Each carbon-oxygen bond in CO2 is a double bond, consisting of one sigma bond and one pi bond, and they are equivalent in length.

What is the bond angle in IOF5?

The bond angle in IOF5 is approximately 90 degrees. This is because of the trigonal bipyramidal geometry of the molecule, where the equatorial F-I-F bond angles are around 120 degrees and the axial F-I-F bond angles are around 180 degrees.