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Q: What character is used to define a predefined numerical constant in scilab?
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How do you define a constant in PHP?

You can define a constant using the define() can use this a number of ways;to define a variable to a constant do:$string = "hello";define("string",$string);to define a string to a constant use:define("hello","there");to define a integer or other numerical value use:define("number",1.0);Summery:to define a string use quotes as you would do a string.Unlike variables in PHP a constant cannot be changed or undefined once it is defined. Constant remains automatically globally throughout the script. It means that it can be accessed from inside a function. e.g.

What does predefined mean?

Already defined, previously defined.

What is the difference between predifined data structure and user define data structure?

A predefined structure or, more generally, a predefined type, is a type that is defined internally by the compiler implementation. For instance Microsoft's implementation includes predefined runtime information and GUID structures, amongst other predefined types such as size_t. These types are built in to the compiler itself, so you won't find them in a header file. By contrast, user-defined structures (types) are those you define yourself, or are provided for you by a third party.

How do you define constant?

Constant means an ongoing situation or thing.

What is a scale on a graph?

The scale is the numerical system that is used to define the axis of a graph.

What is node in c language?

No such predefined type, so you can define it as you wish.

How does the Death Note character die?

Define which character.

Define numerical expression?

it means a bunch of terms put togather without an equal sign a term is a number that may or may not have a variable it can also have either a positive or negetive sign in front of it

How would you declare a constant of 5 called MYCONST?

A constant of 5 called MYCONST would be declared as #define MYCONST 5. This is because the statement used is a define statement.

Does The locus of points idea allows you to define a circle without giving a numerical value for the radius?


What is slope of 0?

if you define y = constant then the slope of any constant is 0 so if you define the line y = 0 the slope of 0 is 0.

Define a specific rate constant?

The specific rate constant a proportionally determined constant that is usually different for various reactions with changes in temperature.