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Q: What characteristics of variables?
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It is a numerical coefficient whose does not change as the variables change.

What are the three demographic variables?

The three demographic variables commonly used are age, gender, and income. These variables help categorize and identify characteristics of a population for research and marketing purposes.

What is the meaning of qualitative variables?

Qualitative variables are variables that are used to categorize data based on characteristics or qualities, such as color, gender, or type of vehicle. They are non-numeric and are used to label or describe observations rather than measure them.

What are behavioral variables?

Behavioral variables are the criteria or yardsticks for measuring and comparing among different individuals. The are mainly observable and measurable characteristics or responses. Agorua, Christopher Eme-eji

What is a factor that can change in an experiment called?

A variable.

How do you compute discrete variables?

You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.You do not compute discrete variables. Some variables are discrete others are not. Simple as that. You do not compute people - you can compute their average height, or mass, or shoe size, etc. But that is computing those characteristics, you are not computing people. In the same way, you can compute the mean, variance, standard error, skewness, kurtosis of discrete variables, or the probability of outcomes, but none of that is computing the discrete variable.

What are variables in a questionnaire?

Variables in a questionnaire are characteristics or attributes that can be measured or evaluated, such as age, gender, income level, or satisfaction score. These variables help researchers gather data and analyze relationships between different factors in a study. They provide a way to quantify and categorize information obtained from survey respondents.

What is the characteristic of table?

you're mom because she has sodium for protection

What does characteristics mean in a study?

Characteristics in a study refer to the distinctive features or attributes of a particular group, subject, or phenomenon being examined. These characteristics help researchers define and categorize the subjects, variables, or elements of interest in their study. Understanding the characteristics of a study population or sample is essential for drawing meaningful conclusions and generalizing findings.

How does a variable affect the growth of crystals?

Variables such as temperature, pH, and concentration of ingredients can influence crystal growth by affecting the speed at which molecules come together to form a crystal lattice. Changes in these variables can lead to variations in crystal size, shape, and quality. Proper control and manipulation of variables can result in desired crystal characteristics.

What does participant variable mean?

A participant variable is a characteristic or trait of the individuals taking part in a research study that may influence the outcomes being measured. These variables are important to consider because they can impact the results and interpretation of the study findings. Researchers often need to control for participant variables to ensure the validity and reliability of their results.