The city with latitude and longitude as prime numbers is Honolulu, Hawaii. Its latitude is approximately 21.3° N, which is a Prime number, and its longitude is approximately 157.8° W, which is also a prime number.
aba nigeria has longitude of 5.1 and latitude of 7.35
Continent: Antarctica Country: Australia (no joke) City: Casey station Latitude: 66.17 degrees south Longitude: 35 degrees east
According to the question, the time at 90 degree East longitude is 11 am, and to reach 15 degree west longitude it will have to go 105 degrees east as first of all it will go to 0 degree and then 15 degree to reach 15 degree west longitude. visit our page: bharrathividyashram .org/about-us
Latitude and LongitudeLatitude - The lines on a map or globe that measure the distance north or south of the earth's equator.Longitude - The distance on the earth's surface, measured east or west from the prime meridian at Greenwich, England, to the meridian passing through a position, expressed in degrees (or hours), minutes, and seconds.Your assignment is to find the degrees of latitude and longitude for the following places and plot them on the map.1. Los Angeles, Calif.2. Moscow, Russia3. Sydney, Austrailia4. Shanghi, China5. Mumbai, (Bombay) India6. Cape Town, South Africa7. Tokyo, Japan8. Mexico City, Mexico9. Lima, Peru10. Honolulu, HawaiiWorld Cities Latitude and LongitudeU.S. Cities Latitude and LongitudeWorld Longitude and Latitudes MapUsing the world longitude and latitude map printout, answer the following questions and mark the locations.1. Draw a line along the equator (0 degrees latitude) and label it.2. Draw a line along the Prime Meridian (0 degrees longitude) and label it.3. In which ocean is the location 10 degrees S latitude, 75 degrees E longitude located? Mark it on the map with an "X" and write the name of the ocean.4. In which ocean is the location 30 degrees N latitude, 60 degrees W longitude located? Mark it on the map with a "Y" and write the name of the ocean.5. Put an "X" on the following cities on the map and label the city with the name of the city.B. Beijing: 40°N, 116°EC. Cairo: 30°N, 31°EH. Hong Kong: 22°N, 114°EJ. Jakarta: 6°S, 106°ELO. London: 51°N, 0°WMC. Mexico City: 19°N, 99°WMO. Moscow: 55°N, 37°ENA. Nairobi: 1°S, 37°ENO. New Orleans: 30°N, 90°WNY. New York: 40°N, 74°WR, Rio de Janeiro: 23°S, 43°WSE. Seattle: 47°N, 122°WSY. Sydney: 34°S, 151°ETK. Tokyo: 35°N, 139°ET. Toronto: 43°N, 79°W
aba nigeria has longitude of 5.1 and latitude of 7.35
If there are any prime numbers between zero and 90, and between zero and 180, then you can bet on it.
Taken together, that pair of numbers is unusual because no other city fact no other point on Earth ... has the same latitude and longitude.
The prime meridian is a line of longitude, to find the location at 51.8 degrees north latitude, you would need to look for the specific country or city where this latitude intersects the prime meridian.
The city at 49N latitude and 2E longitude is Paris, France.
The latitude of Naga City in the Philippines is approximately 13.6218° N, and the longitude is around 123.1945° E.
latitude is 29digree 22'n longitude is 47digree 58'e
The latitude and longitude of the port city is 60 degrees north, 24 degrees east.
The latitude and longitude coordinates of Libreville, the capital city of Gabon, are approximately 0.4162° N, 9.4673° E.
The city at 52° north latitude and 0° longitude is London, the capital city of the United Kingdom.
The capital city of Kosovo is Pristina. Latitude: 42°40′N Longitude: 21°10′E
The city with coordinates 52° N latitude and 0° longitude is Greenwich, England. Greenwich is known for being the starting point of the Prime Meridian, which divides the Earth into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.