not a real unit of measurement
They’re the ‘real value’ of a rounded number. Upper and Lower Bounds are concerned with accuracy. Any measurement must be given to a degree of accuracy, e.g. 'to 1 d.p.', or ' 2 s.f.', etc. Once you know the degree to which a measurement has been rounded, you can then find the Upper and Lower Bounds of that measurement. Phrases such as the 'least Upper Bound' and the 'greatest Lower Bound' can be a bit confusing, so remember them like this: the Upper Bound is the biggest possible value the measurement could have been before it was rounded down; while the Lower Bound is the smallest possible value the measurement could have been before it was rounded up.
finding the measurement of a port hole on a ship
Any measurement in which the direction is relevant requires vectors.
A radian is simply a measurement unit. The relation between a radian and real numbers is similar to the relation between a degree and real numbers or a metre and real numbers.
accuracy. precision how closely the group of data are in relation to each other
Precision: how close measurements are to each other Accuracy: how close measurements are to the "true" or accepted value. If you do 3 trials of an experiment and you get 1.00 grams, 1.01 grams, and 1.03 grams as your answers but the real value was supposed to be close to 6.79 grams, your data was precise but not accurate.
not a real unit of measurement
Yes, time is real. It is the measurement of duration.
RDW likely stands for "Real Diamond Weight," indicating the total weight of real diamonds on the ring. This measurement helps consumers understand the value of the diamonds on the piece of jewelry.
An estimate is just a guess. A measurement tells you the real number (of whatever kind of measurement you are making).
He accepted the transfer to Real Madrid.
Physical values in the real world have both magnitude and units of measurement. The magnitude represents the numerical value of the physical quantity, while the unit gives context to the magnitude by indicating the type of measurement being made (e.g. meter, second, kilogram).
The real measurement for 2 by 4 by 8 is 64. This is a math problem.