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depression or elevation. :D, im a 6th grader and i learned this in science class.

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Q: What contour symbol would you use to connect two cities that both have the same elevation?
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What is the symbol for contour lines?

The symbol for contour lines on a map is a series of equally spaced brown lines that connect points of equal elevation. These lines represent changes in elevation and help visualize the shape and relief of the land.

Suppose you are looking at a contour symbol labeled 2500 which type of symbol is it?

A contour symbol labeled 2500 typically represents a contour line joining points of equal elevation of 2500 feet above sea level on a topographic map. It helps visualize the terrain and elevation changes in the area.

Why is it impossible that two contour lines will cross on the maps you have drawn?

As two contour line are of different heights, it would be impossible for two contour lines to cross. But, the problem is when it comes to printing map details.If two contour lines cross (touch) it means that they are both at the same height. This can happen on a cliff or steep sided mountain, when the height is so close vertically, that it is easier to show a blank area with a symbol for a cliff or steep mountainside. The symbol used depends on what is used by the producer/printer of the map. The symbol for cliffs should be shown on the map's legend printed on most maps.

What is the highest elevation on the topographic map can be no more than about?

The highest elevation on a topographic map can be depicted with different symbols like contour lines, spot heights, or shading. These symbols represent the elevation of the terrain, with each line or section showing a specific elevation level. The highest point on the map will be indicated by the highest elevation symbol, providing information about the peak or summit's height.

How are the highest individual mountains shown on the map?

The highest individual mountains are typically shown with contour lines that indicate elevation changes, with the peak often marked by a symbol called a triangulation station or summit marker. The mountain's name and elevation may also be labeled near the peak on the map.

What is the symbol for a mountain on a topographic map?

The symbol for a mountain on a topographic map typically looks like a series of contour lines concentrically spaced around a point, with each line indicating a certain elevation above sea level. The shape and size of the symbol may vary depending on the scale and style of the map.

What is the symbol for a mountain on a map?

A mountain on a map is typically represented by a triangular symbol with the peak pointing upwards. The symbol may also be accompanied by contour lines to show the elevation and shape of the mountain.

How can sinkhole be shown in a topographic map?

Sinkholes can be shown on a topographic map as depressions or sudden drops in elevation contour lines, forming a unique circular or oval shape. The contour lines surrounding a sinkhole will typically show a rapid change in elevation, indicating a sudden drop in the landscape. Symbol codes or specific annotations may also be used to represent sinkholes on a map.

What is a possible elevation at the symbol at the top of patty hill?


What symbol represents a mountain range?

Mountains are represented as triangles on map

What are the conventionalized mark that indicate natural and man made features on a map?

Natural features on a map are typically represented by symbols like tree icons for forests, wavy lines for rivers, and contour lines for elevation. Man-made features may include symbols like squares for buildings, roads for highways, and dots for cities or towns.These conventional symbols help users easily identify and interpret different features on a map.

What does the cross symbol mean on a contour map?

The cross symbol on a contour map typically indicates the location of a benchmark, which is a point of known elevation used as a reference for determining the elevation of other points on the map. It serves as a fixed point for surveyors and map users to use as a reference for measuring heights and depths.