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Contour lines are spaced at a regular height above sea level - every 50 metres, for example. The highest point of a hill may be just above the highest contour line. Therefore a spot or summit height symbol may be used to mark the highest point on the map.

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Q: Why is the highest point of a hill represented by an x not a contour line?
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What is the physical interpretation of gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative?

The elevation of points on a hill is a scalar 'field'. It can have a different value at every point, but each one is a scalar value. Imagine a lumpy bumpy irregular hill, and pick a point to talk about, say, somewhere on the side of the hill. At that point, the directional derivative of the elevation is the rate at which the elevation changes leaving the point in that direction. It has different values in different directions: If you're looking up the hill, then the d.d. is positive in that direction; if you're looking down the hill, the d.d. is negative in that direction. If you're looking along the side of the hill, the d.d. could be zero, because the elevation doesn't change in that particular direction. The directional derivative is a vector. The direction is whatever direction you're talking about, and the magnitude is the rate of change in that direction. The gradient is the vector that's simply the greatest positive directional derivative at that point. Its direction is the direction of the steepest rise, and its magnitude is the rate of rise in that direction. If your hill is, say, a perfect cone, and you're on the side, then the gradient is the vector from you straight toward the top, with magnitude equal to the slope of the side of the cone. Any other vector is a directional derivative, with a smaller slope, and it isn't the gradient.

What is the height of the hill if the elevation of a hill at a place due east of it is 39 degrees at a place B due south of A the elevation is 27 degrees and the distance from A to B is 500m?

It is not clear from the question where the point A is. This answer assumes that A is the point to the East of the hill. Suppose the height of the hill is h metres. Suppose O is the point, on ground level, under the apex of the hill. Then tan(39) = h/OA so that OA = h/tan(39) Also tan(27) = h/OB so that OB = h/tan(27) Now, triangle OAB has a right angle at A, so by Pythagoras, OB2 = OA2 + AB2 Therefore h2/tan2(27) = h2/tan2(39) + 5002 that is h2/0.2596 = h2/0.6558 + 250000 so that 2.3269h2 = 250000 h2 = 107441 h = 327.8 metres.

What does it mean for a line to have a negative slope?

If a line has a negative slope it is going 'down hill' and if it has a positive slope it is going 'up hill'

what- A paved road runs down a hill as shown, with endpoints (0, 8) and (8, 0). What is the slope of the hill?


What is the speed of a biker that bikes up a 40 m hill for 10 seconds?

A 40m hill IN 10sec? 144 km/h or 89mph.

Related questions

How can you tell from the map which point on the hill is the highest?

Look for the point where contour lines are closest together or where the numbers on the contour lines are highest. This indicates the highest elevation on the hill.

Why isnt the highest point on a hill or a mountain represented by a contour line?

The highest point on a hill or mountain is not shown by a contour line because contour lines connect points of equal elevation. Since the summit is the highest point, its elevation is not equal to any other point around it, so it is not part of a contour line.

The highest point on a hill shown on a contour map is?

The level curves form loops around the maximum point. As height increases the loops become tighter. Similarly the curves squeeze to the lowest point as height decreases.

Contour lines that form a circle indicate?

Contour lines forming a circle on a topographic map indicate a hill or summit. This circular pattern of contour lines represents a peak with increasingly lower elevations as you move outward from the center of the circle. This can help in identifying the highest point in a specific area.

What is the pattern of the contour lines around a simple hill?

Contour lines around a simple hill form concentric closed loops, with each loop representing a specific elevation. The lines are closer together and more tightly packed at steeper parts of the hill and farther apart on gentler slopes. The highest point of the hill is indicated by the smallest closed loop.

What is the elevation of the highest contour line on hill w?

The elevation of the highest contour line on hill W is the value indicated on that specific contour line, representing the peak of the hill. On a topographic map, contour lines are used to show the elevation and shape of the land, with each line representing a specific elevation.

What is the meaning of 'summit?

Highest point, hill top, hill peak.

What is the meaning of word hill summit?

Highest point, hill top, hill peak.

The highest point a hill or mountain?


What is the highest point of a hill called?

The highest point of a hill is called its summit.

What is the meaning of word summit?

Highest point, hill top, hill peak.

What is the highest point in Bermuda?

the highest point is 565m