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Pythagoras is credited with the Pythagorean Theorem. Which says if you have a right triangle with sides A and B and a hypotenuse(longest side, across from the right angle) C. The A^2+B^2 = C^2

This theorem is used repeatedly through math to find the side length of triangles.

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Q: What contributions did Pythagoras make to the science?
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What contributions did Pythagoras make?

He contributed the Pythagorean Theorem.

In what fields did Pythagoras work?

Pythagoras made many contributions to the field of math.

What are the Greek science contributions?

Technology and Science were important parts of the ancient Greece. Hippocrates is referred "The Father of Modern Medicine while Pythagoras invented the Pythagorean Theorem which is widely used in Science.

What time of period did Pythagoras make his contributions?

Around the time of 560 BC to 500 BC.

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It was in the science of trigonometry that Pythagoras' theorem states that for any right angle triangle that when its hypotenuse is squared that it is equal to the sum of its squared sides.

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