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Q: What controls the diameter of the arteriols?
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What is arteriols?

An arteriole is one of the small branches of an artery, especially one which connects with capillaries.

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The iris is the layer that surrounds the pupil and controls the size and diameter of the pupil. It also controls the amount of light that reaches the pupil.

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What are the factors control the caliber of arteriols?

temperature CO2, O2 pH angeotestin epinipherin nor-epinipherin histamin sympathetic and parasympahtetic nerves.

What controls the amount of light that enters the eyes?

The pupil contracts or expands (dilates) to regulate the entry of light to the retina in the eye.The iris or colored part of the eye is what controls the diameter of the pupil by covering or uncovering it.

Why is the medulla important to the body?

The medulla is so important to the body because it controls vital autonomic functions, actions that we can't control. It controls functions such as breathing, heart rate, blood vessel diameter, etc.

What tiny blood vessel connects arteries and veins?

Arteries divide into smaller vessels called Arteriols. Arteriols subdivide into even smaller vessels called capillaries, where oxygen, nutrients, hormones are delivered to the tissues of the body. Waste products are also picked up by capillaries and delivered to venules which grow into larger vessels called veins. Veins deliver deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

What is the part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing called?

The part of the brain that controls heartbeat and breathing is called the medulla oblongata, located in the brainstem. It regulates these vital functions through the autonomic nervous system without conscious effort.

Do arteriols pulsate?

The arteries (and arterioles) still carry the pulsing from the heart. By the time the blood flow reaches the capillaries and the veins, it is lost. This helps to keep the blood flowing in the right direction.