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Q: What could happen to the number of ladybirds if the number green flies goes down?
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How many flies are there in the world?

There is about 17 quadrillion flies in the world.That number would be beyond the human capacity to count.

Are mosquitoes mentioned in The Bible?

Not specifically, but the Old Testament does mention swarms of flies in Exodus 8:20 and does not specify what specific types of flies they were, so it could possibly have meant any kind of flying insects.

Nine flies are on the table With one swat - you kill three flies How many flies are left on the table?

6 (if this a simple math question which i doubt), 0r 3 (only the flies that were killed are left because the rest flew away), 0r 0 (the dead flies come with the swatter)

What is the formula for distance?

Math: d=rtr=ratet=time Physics: d=0.5gt2g=acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)t=timeThere is no single definition of distance. There are metric spaces with different types of distance defined for them.For example, in city such as Manhattan, the distance between two points could be the Euclidean distance: the distance "as the crow flies", or it could be the "Minkovski or Taxicab" distance, which is the number of blocks - along roads and avenues that need to be traversed. There are many other measures of distance.

When the point (-6 7) is plotted on a Cartesian coordinate system which quadrant is it in?

A simple way to remember which number comes first, is that Superman runs before he flies. So the first number is how far, and what direction he went. -6, means it was to the left, and then it was up, so it would be in the upper-left quadrant, which is quadrant 2.

Related questions

What eats gorse?

Spiders, flies and ladybirds.

Can ladybirds eat bananas?

Ladybirds eat mainly sap-sucking aphids (black or green flies) - they are not herbivores.

What eats mosquitoes gnats and flies?

Bats, and birds like the Flycatcher.

What is the relationship between the ladybugs and cluster flies Do the ladybugs turn into cluster flies?

No, they are different insects. Ladybugs (ladybirds) are types of beetle,

Do ladybirds eat flys?

uhhh yes and no they sum times do but not that much....

What does ladybirds eat?

Aphids, Small Insects, Mites, Plants, Scale Insects, Pest, Thrips & Coccinellidae

Where are flies at on animal crossing wild world?

i only know one way of getting flies, you have to let your town become overgrown with weeds, it could take a while but it will eventually happen if you don't pick the weeds. When your town is overgrown enough a red flower will be somewhere and lots of flies will be around it.

What will happen if you had no frogs?

there would be an over excessive amount of flies

What do the flies represent in people of the Flies?

Jack could represent the pig's head, and the flies could represent Jack's followers, how they are practically "swarming" around him.

What is the answer to the crossword clue flies on a string?

Depends on the number of pole, fishing rod, lure. It could also be kite or balloon.

What will happen if there are no flies?

A:There wouldn't be much flies in an area because animals such as frogs, eat them. And the other reason is that not much will happen, soon they will die and decompose. It's that simple I hope that I helped you, If I didn't, write me back :)

Could your guinea pig die from flies and maggets?

Yes. Any animal could die from flies or maggots.