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The abacus was used in Russian even as late as 1976 in grocery stores in Moscow. Basically any country that does not have access to a cheap pocket calculator. I'm sure you can find many places in third world countries that use it for business transactions. It needs no batteries and when used by a person proficient in abacus, it can provide a correct answer as quick as a calculator.

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Q: What countries still use the abacus?
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What is the minimum number of bars on an abacus?

The minimum number of bars on an abacus is nine. An abacus is a calculating tool that was used before the written numeral system came into use. It is still used by merchants and traders in countries in Asia and Africa.

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An abacus is an ancient Chinese calculator that is still in use today.

Is the Abacus still used?

yes but not many people use it

Is the abacus still used today?

yes but not many people use it

Where is abacus still being used?

An abacus is a calculating tool used primarily in parts of Asia for arithmetic. The abacus was in use centuries before the written modern numeral system and is still used by merchants, traders and clerks in Asia and Africa.

When was the abacus first used and is it still being used today?

There was evidence of the abacus going back as early as 2700 B.C. And it is still commonly used in certain countries and places like Japan, China, Russia, and the Middle East.

Did the abacus affect society?

The abacus is still in use today by shopkeepers in Asia and "Chinatowns" in North America. The use of the abacus is still taught in Asian schools, and some few schools in the West. Blind children are taught to use the abacus where their sighted counterparts would be taught to use paper and pencil to perform calculations. One particular use for the abacus is teaching children simple mathematics and especially multiplication; the abacus is an excellent substitute for rote memorization of multiplication tables, a particularily detestable task for young children. The abacus is also an excellent tool for teaching other base numbering systems since it easily adapts itself to any base.

Who made abacus?

The abacus has been around for millennia, in various countries. No record of the inventor was made.

In what countries is the abacus till used today?


How do you use the word abacus in a sentence?

well here is the answer ! :)Some people use the abacus to solve some mathematical calculations

Is a abacus still used today?


How do you use abacus whiz abacus host-Emulator-1?

for example , 122marisbman