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The answer depends on what characteristic of the Baseball you wish to measure: mass, weight, radius, volume, seam height, temperature, hardness, ... the list could go on.

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Q: What customary unitis used to measure baseball?
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What unitis used to measure volume?

The standard unit for measuring volume is the cubic meter (m^3). However, other units such as liters (L) and milliliters (mL) are commonly used for smaller quantities.

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What system do you measure with inches and ounces?

It is the customary unit system, usually used in the United States mostly.

What countries still use custamary units of measurement?

Countries that still predominantly use customary units of measurement include the United States, Liberia, and Myanmar. Although the metric system is the official system in these countries, some customary units are still commonly used in daily life.

What customary unit would be used to measure a baseball?

The answer depends on which characteristic you wish to measure: its diameter, volume, mass, weight, etc.

What customary unit is used to measure the length of a river?

The basic metric unit for length is the metre. Rivers would be measure in kilometres (1,000s of metres)

Are inches used in the international system of units?

No, Inches are part of the American "Customary" system...Metric is way easier to use but America refuses

What customary units are used to measure volume?

Common customary units used to measure volume include fluid ounces, cups, pints, quarts, and gallons in the United States. Imperial units such as fluid ounces, pints, quarts, and gallons are used in countries that follow the British imperial system.

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Is a customer unit used to measure

What is quarts used for?

Quarts are commonly used as a unit of measurement for volume in the US customary system. They are often used to measure liquids such as milk, water, and oil in cooking and baking. Quarts are also used to measure engine oil and other fluids in automotive applications.

How do you used the word customary in a sentence?

I got customary rims on my car. :]