27th April 1943 was a Tuesday.It was the 117th day and on the 17th week that year.Sunrise: 5:06 AMSundown: 6:49 PMDuration of Sunlight: 13 hours and 43 minutesPhase of Moon: Third Quarter
March 13, 1951 fell on a Tuesday. If you click on the above link you can see what day of the week you were born on, or what day of the week fell on a certain date. sue
March 13 1986 was a Thursday.
May 13 1955 was a Friday.
March 13 2004 was a Saturday.
The DuPont Show of the Week - 1961 A Day Like Today 3-13 was released on: USA: 19 April 1964
August 13, 1961 fell on a Sunday.
October 13, 1961 fell on a Friday.
It was a Monday.
November 13th 1961 was a Monday.
August 13, 1961, was a Sunday.
January 13, 1961 fell on a Friday.
June 13, 1961 was a Tuesday.
April 13, 2011 was a Wednesday.
April 13 2010 is a Tuesday.
April 13 2010 was a Tuesday.