its a decimal
It is 0.88887
Less than.
its a decimal
In decimal form, 5/7 is .714 and is less than .739.
It is -77775
No, 0.10 is not greater than 0.7. When comparing decimal numbers, the number with more decimal places is larger. In this case, 0.10 has one decimal place, while 0.7 has one decimal place as well, but 7 is greater than 0. Therefore, 0.7 is greater than 0.10.
It is 0.88887
By changing it into a fraction as in 0.07 = 7/100
Less than.
Yes -7 is less than -1
7 pints is less than 1 gallon
No. 5/8 in decimal form = 0.625, which is less than 7/10.