7% is the same as 7/100 which is .07
Convert 7 to a decimal. .07 times 89,000 = 6,230
It is already in decimal form, as 189.0 is the same as 189.
7% is the same as 7/100 which is .07
0.7 is the same as 70%. The easiest way to convert a decimal to a percentage is to move the decimal two places to the right. When you do that with 0.7 you will get 70, so your answer is 70%.
Forty cent as decimal
Fraction: 7/100 (7 out of 100) Decimal: .07 Percentage: 7%
The Name's the Same - 1951 1953-07-07 was released on: USA: 7 July 1953
7 percent = 7/100 = .07