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In Celsius degrees, 10° below the freezing point of water is -10° .

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Q: What degree in celsius is 10 degrees below the freezing point of water?
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How cold is -1.66 degree Celsius?

-1.66 degrees Celsius is slightly below freezing point, which is 0 degrees Celsius. It is considered cold but not extremely frigid.

Which is colder -18 degree Celsius or -12 degree Celsius?

-18 degrees Celsius is colder than -12 degrees Celsius.

How many degrees below freezing is minus 16 degrees celsius?

16 degrees below freezing, as the freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius.

Is 7 degrees celsius above or below freezing?

7 degrees Celsius is above freezing, as freezing point is at 0 degrees Celsius.

How many degrees Celsius is considered freezing?

0 degrees Celsius is freezing, but really water freezes at just BELOW that temperature.

What is 25 degrees below freezing?

25 degrees below freezing would be -7 degrees Fahrenheit or -22 degrees Celsius.

What does 22F in a C mean?

"22F" in Celsius refers to a temperature of minus 5.6 degrees Celsius. It is below freezing point (0 degrees Celsius) and is considered quite cold.

What happens to water at 1 degree C?

At 1 degree Celsius, water is in its liquid state. This is because it is above its freezing point of 0 degrees Celsius but below its boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius at standard atmospheric pressure.

-3 degrees is how many degrees below freezing?

In Fahrenheit: 35 degrees below freezingIn Celsius, 3 degrees below freezing.(In both cases, we're using "freezing" to meanthe freezing temperature of water.)

Is -38.8 degrees Celsius hot or cold?

-38.8 degrees Celsius is very cold. It is well below freezing and would feel extremely chilly to most people.

How many degrees below freezing is one degree Fahrenheit?

Freezing on the Fahrenheit scale is 32 degrees, so 1 degree F would be 31 degrees F below freezing.

Why does tap water have a freezing point below zero degree celsius?

Tap water freezes below zero degrees Celsius due to impurities and dissolved substances that lower its freezing point. These impurities act as "anti-freeze" agents, preventing the water from solidifying at 0 degrees Celsius. This phenomenon is known as freezing point depression.