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Q: What describes how well the results of an experiment agree with the standard value?
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Is fair to evaluate employees based on the results they achieve strongly agree agree neither strongly disagree or disagree?

strongly agree

What is the adverb for agree?

The adverb for agree is agreeably.An adverb describes a verb. An example would be The elderly lady spoke agreeably to the young man who helped her across the speak.

Is agreed a verb?

No. Agreed, meaning to hold the same view, is an adjective.A verb would be agree. As in "to agree with".A verb is a word that describes an action (run, walk, etc), a state of being (exist, stand, etc) or occurrence (happen, become, etc).An adjective is a word that describes a noun (the car is blue / it was a cold day / etc).

Why is there a universal order of operations to use when solving math problems?

It is convenient for different people to agree on the standard order of operations. This saves complicated explanations.

Why are standard unit used in measurement?

Because measurement would have no meaning, unless we agree what we are measuring by. If I say that it takes 14 BGs to fill an autograft- we need to agree what a BG is, and what an autograft is, or it is meaningless. If you say that a yard is about so big, and I say that it is smaller... do you not see the problem here? Standard units are necessary, or we are talking about different things, entirely. If I count to ten, but you skip 9 and go to 11, we are talking about different things. Thus, we have a standard model of math, and a standard model (several to choose from) of measurements. The bottom line answer is this: so we are talking about the same thing.

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How well the results of an experiment agree with the accepted value?

Absolute value

How well the results of an experiment agree with the accepted value's.?


Which term describes how close measurements are to the actual value?

Accuracy describes how close measurements are to the actual value. It is a measure of how well the results agree with the true value of the quantity being measured.

Conclusion in science projects?

The conclusion in your scientific reports should include: * what were the assumptions and what results were you expecting before doing the experiment * what method(s) or approach(es) did you use in the experiment * what are the results? * do your results agree or support with your assumptions? If yes, why? If no, what do you suggest to do for the next experiment. Preferably, the conclusion is much shorter than the body of your report. One paragraph can suffice, but try to keep it less than 2 typewritten pages. Be concise. Keep your sentences short. This section may be the only one that your peers or superiors will read. ==================

What happens when the data in an investigation do not support the original hypothisis?

Sometimes results of a particular experiment do not match our hypothesis. Most of the time in such a case hypothesis is modified to agree to the experimental data. Another approach can be repeating the same experiment again and comparing the the values form the second trial to the first one.

In the asch experiment what decreased conformity?

When one of the confederates didn't agree :)

What is the exact quantity that people agree to use for comparison?

A "standard". In manufacturing, it may be refered to as a "master" when used to calibrate instruments that measure size, but it is still a standard.

Is fair to evaluate employees based on the results they achieve strongly agree agree neither strongly disagree or disagree?

strongly agree

An exact quantity that people agree to use for comparison is a?

A Standard.

Why is it important for scientists to have a standard measurement system that is used around the World?

That makes everything easier to understand, avoids the requirement for a lot of conversion between different units, and avoids confusion (among other things, some ancient units have different definitions in different regions). Also, the standard units used (the SI units) are consistent with one another, making many formulae simpler.

What is A unit of measure that people agree to use?

is meant by measurement in che mistry

If a theory does not agree with the experiments designed to test it?

If a theory does not agree with the experiments designed to test it, than either the experiment is faulty and needs to be fixed or the theory needs to be reviewed and reconsidered..