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Venn diagram

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Q: What diagram is used to show the reletionship between two sets or groups?
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Related questions

What is a diagram that uses circles to describe relationships between to or more sets?

That's a Venn diagram.

What is diagram that uses to describe relationships between two or more sets?

One possibility is a Venn diagram.

What is the relationship of venn diagram in sets and subsets?

Venn diagrams are a means for displaying relationships between sets.

What is the meaning of venn diagram?

A Venn diagram or a set diagram is a diagram that shows all possible logical relations between a finite collection of sets.

What is a Venn diagram?

A Venn diagram is a diagram that shows relationships between 2 things or concepts using circles if there are similarities between both then you overlap the circles.

What is the purepose of an overlapped section on a venn diagram?

To show common numbers between the sets.

What are the lectures of college algebra about sets?

Lectures of college algebra about sets could include: * Describing sets * Relationship between sets * Basic operation in sets * Solving problems using Venn diagram

Who invented the Ven diagram?

Ven diagrams were invented by John Venn in the late 19th century. Venn diagrams are used in mathematics and logic to visualize the relationships between different sets or groups.

What is a diagram that shows relationships among sets of objects?

Venn Diagram

A diagram that shows relationships among sets of things?

Venn Diagram

What do you call a diagram that records the relationship of sets of numbers or values?

A Venn Diagram

What is a diagram which shows how two or more sets of information are related?

It is a Venn diagram.