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To show common numbers between the sets.

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Q: What is the purepose of an overlapped section on a venn diagram?
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What is the purpose of an overlapped section on a venn diagram?

To show that 2 or more properties or conditions all exist only in the overlapping sections.

How do you read a venn diagram with 2 circles in math?

A Venn diagram is basically showing two activities that a group of people do, and the place where the two circles overlap shows the amount of people which do BOTH the activities. For example, if the two circles represent tennis and basketball. Those who are in the basketball circle, and not in the overlapped section, they only do basketball. Those in the tennis circle, and not in the overlapped section, only do tennis. Those in the overlapped section do both basketball and tennis.

What is the venn diagram of a union b union c?

Venn diagram is represented with the help of circles. Union of a, b and c is shown by the three fully shaded somewhat overlapped circles. Result will be the elements that is in all three sets(a,b,c).

Who invented the Venn diagram?

John Venn, a British logician. And, consequently, it is the Venn diagram, not the venn diagram.

How do I do a Venn diagram?

How do I do a Venn diagram? 28&42

What does a-b means in venn diagram?

The answer depends on the Venn diagram.

Which country was the venn diagram?

No country was ever a Venn diagram.

What does a b means in shade venn diagram?

The answer depends on the Venn diagram.

Is a venn diagram a graphic source?

No a venn diagram is not a graphic source.

Where would you add cloning to the Venn diagram?

It would depend on what the Venn diagram was about.

Who discover the Venn diagram?

John Venn

Who created the Venn diagram?

John Venn!