I think Fibonacci wanted to find how many swirls or petals were on a flower ....... most of them are Fibonacci numbers....i think.... doin a projct......= )
He was a Mathematician, who discovered the Fibonacci sequence, Fibonacci polynomials, Fibonacci Pseudoprime, Reciprocal Fibonacci Constant, and many more things. His dad wanted him to be a wealthy merchant. He was amazingly good in math.
Fibonacci's accomplishments were the creation of the Fibonacci number sequence and he also was responsible for the spreading of the Hindu-Arabic numbering system.
Leonardo Fibonacci first recorded his sequence in his book Liber Abaci, which was published in 1202.
Turns up in many things - the leaves of a fern, the spirals in pinecones, the nautilus shell chambers etc
There is the Fibonacci sequence but what is the Fibonacci code?
Yes and no. The big brown pinecones on the ground that most people consider pinecones are actually female pinecones. The male pinecones are the small pollen structures. Each pollen structure has over a hundred sperm cells, and each pinecone has several egg cells inside it. Not all of them will get fertilized, but in a successful instance, wind or gravity will cause a tiny piece of the pollen, one sperm cell, to fall inside of the female pinecone to fertilize it.
from a tree
Let's represent the number of acorns Lin has as A. Since Lin has 7 fewer pinecones than acorns, we can express the number of pinecones she has as A-7. Given that Lin has 4 pinecones in total, we can set up the equation A-7 + 4 = A. Solving this equation, we find that Lin has 11 acorns.
He lived [Fibonacci(10) + Fibonacci(8) + Fibonacci(6)] years
what is fibonacci?
Pinecones do not have babies in the traditional sense. They are actually the reproductive structures of conifer trees, containing seeds that are released and dispersed to grow into new trees.
Leonardo Fibonacci discovered the number sequence which is named after him.
On fir trees !