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Q: What is a real life example of the Fibonacci sequence?
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Is the Fibonacci sequence real?

yes it is simple to

How do you use the Fibonacci sequence in the real world?

the bunnies :)

How do you generate the Fibonacci sequence?

Generate Fibonacci sequence by adding the two previous integers together to get the next number in the sequence. Starting with the lowest two number on the real number line. 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144 etc.

Where was Fibonacci's sequnce used in real life?

Leonardo Of Pisa (Now known as Fibonacci) had a founder named Platus, he made this sequence that was used in real life: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ... each term being the sum of the two preceding.

What year did Fibonacci make his Fibonacci numbers?

The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. His 1202 book Liber Abaci introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics, although the sequence had been described earlier as Virahankanumbers in Indian mathematics.

Give us one example of Arithmetic Sequence in Real Life problem?

A Basketball Game.

What is a real life example?

Real life is a real life example!

What is a real life example of a cube?

a Television is a real life example of a Cube A dice is a real life example of a cube

What was Leonardo Fibonacci's real name?

fillius bonacci his nick name (fibonacci) is a contraction of both

A real life example of a octagon?

a real life example of an octagon is a stop sign.

What natural objects relate to the Fibonacci sequence?

Some natural objects related to the Fibonacci sequence include pinecones, sunflowers, and the arrangement of petals in flowers. These objects exhibit patterns that follow the Fibonacci sequence, with numbers such as 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc. commonly seen in their structures.

What is Fibonacci's real name?

Leonard Of Pisa Who