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Plato believed that the only tools needed for geometric calculations was a compass and a ruler. The type of compass being the type with a pencil attached to a pointing device.

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Q: What did Plato believe were the only tools that should be used in geometry?
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What are the classical construction tools of geometry?

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A protractor, a compass, a ruler, and a straightedge

What are 3 tools used in geometry?

A protractor, a straight edge and a compass

What are a compass and a straight edge?

I'll take Geometry for 800, Alex.And the Answer Is, "These were the only tools allowed by classical geometry in the proof of a theorem".

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compass and straightedge

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Recovery tools are used for recovering things on your computer. I believe. I could be wrong though. You should ask someone who knows more about this stuff.

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Straightedge Compass

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The geometry which describes the various cutting angles of the single point cutting tools is known as tool geometry.For further information consult your teacher and if you get a better answer than this please tell me...................

What tools do you use to find the volume of a regular solid?

A tape measure or ruler, A book on solid geometry, A calculator or computer.