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Q: What did blaise pascal use that made this machine unique?
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How did blaise pascal become famous?

he made the first adding machine in ma

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Blaise Pascal

What mathematician made the first calculator and where was the first calculator made?

Blaise Pascal

Who is the first invented the calculator?

Blaise Pascal. He made it out of wooden gears.

Who created the triangle percussion instrument?

it was made by Blaise Pascal in 1653

Who made the caculater?

Blaise Pascal invented the calculator in 1642, France

Blaze Pascal is associated with?

Blaise Pascal is associated with mathematics, physics, and philosophy. He made significant contributions to these fields, including the development of Pascal's triangle, Pascal's law of fluid mechanics, and Pascal's wager in philosophy.

Why did Blaise Pascal invent pascals triangle?

Pascal didn't invent pascals triangle, he just made It popular. A Chinese mathematician invented it in about 1015.

What are some of Blaise Pascal's contributions?

He did many great things. Some contributions he made were to mak the first calculator

What are the contribution of blaise pascal in physics?

Blaise Pascal made significant contributions to physics, particularly in the field of fluid mechanics. He formulated Pascal's Law, which states that a change in pressure applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted undiminished to all portions of the fluid. This principle is fundamental in hydraulic systems and plays a crucial role in various engineering applications. Pascal's work laid the foundation for our understanding of fluid dynamics and continues to be relevant in modern physics and engineering.

Who found probability?

No individual can be said to have discovered the rules of probability. Some people that made important contributions are Gerolamo Cadarno, Pierre de Fermat, Blaise Pascal and Chritiaan Huygens.Pierre-Simon Laplace wrote what many consider to be the definitive work.

Who made probability?

Probability is made by two French mathematicians, Blaise Pascal and Pierre de Fermat. It is a measure of the likeness that an event will occur.