There is no such number because decimals are infinitely dense. That is, between any two decimals, there are infinitely many decimals.
Things without decimals like people are called discrete data and things that you can measure with decimals like mass are called continuous data. :)
Grading papers or adding money
Hello man....i love people now
Before decimals were invented, people used fractions.
Any negative decimal comes before zero in decimals.
There is no such number because decimals are infinitely dense. That is, between any two decimals, there are infinitely many decimals.
It can be helpful for people who do not have a clue where the decimal point should go in the answer. For those who do know, the exercise is pointless.
Things without decimals like people are called discrete data and things that you can measure with decimals like mass are called continuous data. :)
for calculations including parts of numbers, before decimals were commonplace
Multiples refer to whole numbers, not decimals.
money, medicine
There are many ways that people use decimals. One may encounter decimals when weighing fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Decimals are also often used when keeping time, during a track meet or a marathon, for instance.
When people say decimals, they generally mean numbers following(after) a decimal point, seen as the same symbol as a period (.)